The //2Weeks residency structure can be seen as a performance in itself and the behaviours that the artists perform within each residency are performative. The performance exists online through the temporal and progressive structure of the //2Weeks residency. As the residency progresses, with each daily ‘check-in’, the body of work changes and evolves incrementally with each daily ‘check-in’. This experience or performance can never be repeated or recaptured. The performance exists for both the artist and the viewer, engaging with and viewing this performance through the selected platform such as Instagram, YouTube or Tumblr.
“In what amounts to techno-social interplays, human bodies also make
digital technologies perform, through, for instance, embodied movements,
gestures and habits, and the practices of streaming, updating,
capturing, uploading, linking, saving, sharing, trashing, trolling etc.
(Chun 2016)” (pg 11)
- Martina Leeker, Imanuel Schipper and Timon
Performativity, Performativity, Performance Studies and Digital
The digital behaviours of the artists online are captured through the medium and reflective of the platform. These ‘embodied movements’ are too in turn, iterated by the behaviours of the viewer. The viewer engages and performs while viewing the work: scrolling, watching, liking, sharing, and commenting on what has artist has produced online. These ‘sets’ of actions and behaviours enable the work to exist online, for it to become part of the embodied network.
“Digital cultures are performative cultures. They condition and are
shaped by techno-social processes and agencies, and they afford new
possibilities for performative practices and interventions […] How is
performativity shaped by contemporary technological conditions? And how
do performative practices reflect and alter techno-social formations?”
(Leeker et al. 1)
- Martina Leeker, Imanuel Schipper and Timon
Performativity, Performance Studies and Digital Cultures (2017)
For ‘performance’ I have identified two artists whose connections are reflected on the map, Tabita Rezaire and I S S I I S S A whose residency and description you can view below.
Tabita Rezaire
(‿ꜟ‿) LOOK @ HER BUTT (‿ꜟ‿) digital thoughts on twerk
Rezaire investigated and researched twerking culture and how it was
perceived in Johannesburg South Africa and online. She created daily
videos, combining interviews with people in Johannesburg and online
content. Each video becomes a performance through YouTube referencing
online culture and behaviour.